
  • Jurayeva Zamiraxon Quchqarboyevna The Fergana Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology, Teacher
  • Nabijonova Nilufar Mirmuxsin qizi The Fergana Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology, Teacher
  • Yulchiyeva Dilnoza Anvarovna The Fergana Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology, Assistant teacher


communicative approach, authentic language, grammar, target audience, solo activity.


Communicative language teaching has become one of the scattered and effective methods in teaching foreign language. The purpose of Communicative Language Teaching is to help students produce authentic language and communicate with others as speaking ability develops slowly in majority of learners. However, to produce authentic language does not mean developing speaking skills only but also CLT integrates multiple skills, such as listening and writing.


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