Backgraund: Urinary malformations are a congenital pathology that occurs in most boys with anorectal defects. An analysis of the literature showed very contradictory and insufficient information regarding the tactics of treating urinary fistulas in children with concomitant anomalies and malformations of other organs and systems. Among them, urethral (bulbar and prostatic) and vesical anastomoses are most often diagnosed. Patients with urinary malformations, unfortunately, have an unfavorable "functional" prognosis. Unsatisfactory results are aggravated in children with concomitant anomalies and malformations of other organs and systems.
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Author Information Rakhmatullaev Islоm Sultanmuradovich, Assistant, and Narbaev Temur Turaevich, MD, DSc., Associate Professor, Department of Faculty of Pediatric Surgery, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (TashPMI); Address: 223 Bogishamol St., Yunusabad District, 100140 Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Phone: +998(93)5868354; ORCID:; eLibrary SPIN: 8325-6047; Email:
Corresponding Author Narbaev Temur Turaevich, MD, DSc., Associate Professor, Department of Faculty of Pediatric Surgery, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (TashPMI); Address: 223 Bogishamol St., Yunusabad District, 100140 Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Phone: +998(93)5868354; Email: