
  • Nasimov Abduzhalil Mahmayunus ugli
  • Rakhmanov Kosim Erdanovich
  • Mardonov Bobosher Amrovich Samarkand State Medical University


Research material. An analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 103 patients with “fresh” IVS injuries treated in the department of surgery of the multidisciplinary clinic of Samarkand State Medical University in the period 2014 – 2023 was carried out.

Research results. In total, complications developed in 24 (20.4%) patients in the immediate postoperative period. In the long-term period, an unsatisfactory result (development of stenosis) was observed in 35 (33.9%) patients: in 13 (37.14%) and 22 (62.86%), respectively, after reconstructive and restorative operations. Repeated surgical interventions were required in 33 (32.03%) patients.

Conclusions. Considering the factors influencing the choice of surgery and its results in case of damage to the IVS, we can state that the main ones are: the nature of the damage to the ducts, its location, the type of operation performed and the qualifications of the surgeon.


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