
  • Nurmurzaev Zafar Narbay ugli
  • Shoimova Komila Kahramanovna Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand


Cholelithiasis, cholecystectomy , postoperative biliary peritonitis.


The results of the examination and treatment of 49 patients with bile peritonitis, which developed as a result of bile leakage into the abdominal cavity after operations on the bile ducts, are presented. The frequency of postoperative bile peritonitis was 0.8% and in 57.2% of cases the cause was "small" damage (incompetence of the stump of the cystic duct, damaged passages of Luschka , dislocation of the drainage from the hepaticocholedochus ), and in 42.8% of cases intraoperative damage to the main bile duct. The use of puncture methods under ultrasound guidance, transduodenal endoscopic interventions and laparoscopy made it possible to avoid relaparotomy in 93.3% of patients of the main group with postoperative bile peritonitis due to "small" injuries of the bile ducts. When detecting damage to the main bile duct in the first 48 hours . The best results are obtained by superimposing a high precision Roux -en-Y GEA .


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