acute partial pulpitis, electroodontodiagnostics (EOD), biological treatment method, preservation of pulp viability, odontotropic therapeutic pad.Abstract
For a long time, dentistry has been conducting research on the development and improvement of methods for treating pulpitis, ensuring the preservation of the pulp not only in a viable, but also in a functioning state. Meanwhile, successful treatment is impossible without an accurate diagnosis of the condition of the pulp. To date, dentists still do not have enough objective intravital research methods in their arsenal to assess the functional state of the pulp. Despite significant advances in recent years in the treatment of pulpitis using the vital extirpation method, the problem of preserving the root pulp in various forms of inflammation remains unresolved. The current stage of development of biological therapy for pulpitis is characterized by an intensive search for the most effective means that preserve the root pulp and stimulate dentin formation. For this purpose, many different therapeutic drugs have been proposed (dentin sawdust, antibiotics, their combination with corticosteroids, calcium hydroxide, etc.), but so far this has not led to a complete solution to the problem of healing and preserving the inflamed pulp.
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