
  • Gara Anissa National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT) (Department of economic and management of agriculture and agri-food) national institute of agronomic research of Tunis (INRAT) (Laboratory of rural economics)


Ecotourism; Australia, Jordan, Nepal, Romania.


In the first place even before chemicals, food, IT and also oil, nowadays tourism (born since the 1960s) is the main source of export earnings and the powerful economic engine. Indeed, this sector involves significant investments, generates income. In addition, it offers many thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructure of a country and creates a feeling of cultural exchange between the local population and foreigners. According to a report by the World Tourism Organization published in 2002, for 38% of countries it is the primary economic source and the latter's direct contribution to world GDP is around 10.4%. Thus, ecotourism is a form of sustainable tourism of which it presents several benefits and advantages in ecological, economic and socio-cultural terms. But, despite the importance of this alternative tourism, ecotourism still knows limits in some regions and countries. For this reason, the current study was carried out with the aim to present briefly some features of ecotourism in some countries in the world such as Australia, Jordan, Nepal and Romania.


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