The article discusses the scale of electricity production by photovoltaic solar power plants in the world and in Uzbekistan at the present time, as well as the problems of the development of these power plants. About the problems caused by the demographic growth of the world's population, as well as about the current state of renewable energy sources, including photovoltaic solar power plants, about the contribution of renewable energy sources to the global energy system, about world prices for 1 kWh of electricity received from solar power plants in Uzbekistan and about factors negatively affecting the efficiency of solar panels. When photovoltaic devices are installed by private individuals, there are a number of advantages, and bureaucratic barriers are minimized. But due to the size of the first investment in autonomous solar systems, the opportunities for people to implement this technology are decreasing. In addition, the lack of specialists is the reason that these technologies are not being implemented sufficiently or properly, and this, in turn, leads to the fact that solar photovoltaic systems are not being fully used or used improperly. The article presents suggestions and conclusions about the technical and legal solution of these problems.
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