written speech, writing, formation, digitalization, differential approach.Abstract
At present, the priority is the formation of professional competence of teachers in a foreign language. This is due to the need to integrate into the world community and achieve intercultural communication. In the conditions of digitalization of the educational space of the university, this problem is a priority research related to the updating of state educational standards of higher education both abroad and in Uzbekistan. Teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic universities pursues a different goal. A foreign language is studied in a professional aspect, as an auxiliary means by which students of non-linguistic faculties have the opportunity to obtain information related to their future specialty and profession from foreign sources, which helps them improve their future professional skills. The article distinguishes between writing and written speech, since each of these concepts has distinctive characteristic features. The author has developed a model for the gradual development of writing skills of university students using a differentiated approach to writing and writing techniques in the conditions of digitalization of education.
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