Editorial Team
Wadmare Siddhant Vasantrao
Mahendra Multiple Campus Nepalgunj, Nepal
Hazhar Talaat Abubaker
Lecturer, Department of Statistics,

Dr. Paulino A. Onal
Faculty, School of Agriculture, University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos Bacolod City, Philippines

Neelam Yadav
Assistant professor, English Education at Mahendra Multiple Campus Nepalgunj, Nepal
Bobur Khonturaev Azimovich
Research Institute "Family and Women" under the State Committee of Family and Women of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Head of Department, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics.
Abdusamatov Khasanboy Usmonjon ugli
Scientific secretary of the Research Institute "Family and Women" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor
Atadjanov Mamirdjan Yusupovich
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Fergana State University
Dzhukhanova Nakhida Khayotjonovna
Fergana State University Senior lecturer, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8935-4504