Nowadays, the rapid development of the innovation sphere in the life of society, the growth of the share of intellectual products, information and scientific and technical, innovative activities in the economy has led to the fact that innovations have become the wealth of the country, just like minerals, production capacities and intellectual potential. The effective use of innovative and scientific and technical potential in the interests of our country and each of its citizens is impossible without the formation of a multidisciplinary innovation policy in our country and the creation of a legislative framework for its implementation. The implementation of market reforms is becoming increasingly important in the context of our country's membership in the world community, the transformation of the world economic system towards an increasing role of knowledge and information, and the transition of our country's economy to the path of innovative development.
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Казаков О.С. Повышение эффективности использования экономических ресурсов. Journal of new century innovations. Volume–22_Issue-1_February_2023
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Kazakov Olim Sabirovich. Issues improvement manajement of production enterprises. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT E-ISSN: 2620-6269. Vol. 5 No. 2 | February 2023